6.29.2010 - #00000F - Red Sparowes

Red Sparowes - The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein Lies the Answer

Orchestral/Instrumental Post Rock is my favorite genre of music. It expresses emotions in a different, and a much more powerful style than standard song writing. The band that initially got me into the genre were these guys, introduced to me by a former band mate. At first when the Aphorisms ep came out I was very worried that they would go downhill, but once this leaked I got it really fast and was BLOWN AWAY. They still keep their bare country-twang that I love about them too! the only thing THE ONLY THING that I could throw under the con table is that they don't have a longer poem as song titles like they have had in their previous albums to set the mood of the song.

 My favorite song on this album is totally a Hail of Bombs. It's powerful and very, very cool.

Here's a link to their official website, here's where you can buy the album (only 5 dollars!)



I fixed the commenting system, now it's easily available by that new green button on the west side (represent) of your screen. there's also a new label, PSA's which should be pretty self explanatory.

Oops everyone

Looks like I did a big ol' boo boo and tried to set the blog to update automatically this week, but I set the update times oddly. I'm going to push them anyways and edit the date. I'll never make robots do a man's job again.

feel free to haze me, I feed off hate!

6.28.2010 - 00000011 - Questionable Content

I enjoy slice of life comics, like Yotsuba&! and Azumanga Daioh. Jeph Jacques actually pulls his inspiration from Azumanga Daioh, vertical 4 panels with a punchline at the end of every one. Jeph made it more slice of life by giving all of the characters a twitter account too! Here's the list, keep in mind that pintsize1010 and yelling_bird are EXTREMELY NSFW.  Questionable Content's book should be coming out within the year... He's been redoing the old/first comics for the book so yeah. Here's questionable content.

6.28.2010 - #00000E - The Soft Pack

The Soft Pack - The Soft Pack

This is an indie rock band from my conceived-in state of California, San Diego. It's like a calmed down Head Automica, or a little less raw Von Bondies.

Here's a link to their official site where you can buy the album on iTunes, and here's a link to a quick google search

6.24.2010 - #00000D - Jonsi

Jónsi - Go

Jónsi from Sigur Rós has a new album. and it's... beautiful haha. if you've heard Sigur Rós, then you'd very much like this. it's less post-rock ish, and he sings in english! Not 'scat'!

While i'm freshly reading it, I was on Questionable Content reading the new comic and decided to travel around to jephs tumblr, where I read this. I thought it was interesting and it related to the blog so I wanted to share it.

Here's a link to his official site, and here's a link to a google search.










6.23.2010 - #00000C - Shining

Shining - BlackJazz
Black jazz was the perfect name for this album. they cover 21st century schizoid man. and WOW WHAT A GREAT COVER. Norwegian Blackmetal with jazz influences.

Here's a link to Shining's website where you can buy the CD, and here's a link to a quick google search


In other news, 91ST MINUTE DONOVAN SCORES TO BRING GOOD OL' USA TO VICTORY! I exploded into lots of WOOing and clapping. those guys are too awesome.

addendum, I'm going to plug myself and say here's my facebook page for my name that i'll release all of my music under forever. My name's Frank Raines. WOO. the music might be okay. I wrote the love song the other day, and my friend is going to be finishing up watermelon butterfly explosion later too and i'm writing an instrumental post rock sounding song too! check it out and like it if you do.

6.21.2010 - #00000B - Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus - The Monitor

a really great band from New Jersey. To describe the album, imagine if the Hold Steady was a little less raw, and and a thing for the American Civil War. or if Connor Oberst decided to grow some balls, pre-Cassadaga. it IS a concept album about the American Civil War, with quotes from Abraham Lincoln, William Lloyd Garrison, and The Joker from The Dark Knight.

I post this because they're going to be here September 16th at the Waiting Room. TOTALLY going to that. I'm in the middle of watching the Spain vs. Honduras game so have fun.

Here's a link to their official site where you can buy the album, here's a link to a quick google search.


6.21.2010 - 00000010 - Hark! a Vagrant

This weeks webcomic is one you should TOTALLY already be reading!

Hark! A Vagrant is a webcomic done by the wonderfully smart Kate Beaton from Canada. I lovelovelove her art and she is the master of expressions. She has her own unique sound and is fond of history, so she's very similar to xkcd in that idea where he leans on current technology & events.

earlier this week I met a guy at the NebrasKon BBQ who had the "glasses make you sexy" shirt and we had a nice little chat. so that's what makes this the webcomic of the week

hey, fyi:
Is anyone else viewing the 'unsafe to this blog?? I keep getting an SSL warning when I load. I'm also organizing tags because I forgot to do that and I should before it gets out of hand.

6.18.2010 - #00000A - Owen Pallett

Owen Pallett - Heartland

I love the Arcade Fire a lot, but without Owen Pallett (previously known as Final Fantasy), Arcade Fire would just be some guys playing Neon Bible in an elevator. He makes some pretty quirky music because he's gay, but that should not be the reason you don't like it. Honestly, if there's any album you listen to on this blog, it's this one. I hold it in the highest regards. It's also somewhat of a concept album, here's an excerpt from Wikipedia's page:
 The songs on Heartland form a narrative concerning a "young, ultra-violent farmer" named Lewis, commanded by an all-powerful narrator—named Owen. It is set in the fictional world of Spectrum. According to Pallett, the songs are one-sided dialogues with Lewis speaking to his creator. Pallett commented that the idea behind Heartland is "preposterous. I wanted to have this contained narrative that has the breadth of a Paul Auster short story." The lyrics raise all sorts of theological questions about believers’ relationship with a deity and the nature of fate, but the construct is just a blank canvas. Pallett said, "Really, it's just all about me. All records are about their singer. I was trying to play with that."

Here's a link to his official site where you can buy the album, and here's a link to my mediafire upload of this album.

I could not decide what song, but it looks like QTV has three very very good live performances by him. here's one of 'em:

6.17.2010 - #000009 - Joanna Newsom

Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me

Man oh man, I love love the sound of a harp. She's really avant-garde. I can related her to Owen Pallet from Arcade Fire, but that would take a good load of listening to get the connection. Her new album is really good... but her voice changed a little. It's pretty child-like still, but she does things with her voice that one can only dream of. Totally worth a listen.

Here's the record label's site where you can buy the album (3 CD's!) and here's a link to a quick google search.

**this is a late post

6.16.2010 - #000008 - Autechre

(FORWARD: please don't forget to look in the links over yonder -> Hopscotch is a very nice person that I know =])

Autechre - Oversteps

To celebrate a concert i'm attending tonight, I'm making it a deux part. First up is Autechre's new album which is beautiful. I fall asleep to this album almost every night. it's glitch, so it's not really something to listen to in your car, more like something you listen to when you need to concentrate. I would say between this and EdiT (EdiT is more glitch-hop), these are the two most entry level albums to get into the genre.

here's a link to his official site where you can buy this album and the move of ten, and here's a link to a quick google search.


6.16.2010 - #000007 - Andrew Jackson Jihad

People Who Can Eat People are the Luckiest People in the World - Andrew Jackson Jihad

The guys at AJJ are some very skilled people. Luckily, I'm going to see them tonight, and my hopes is that they play People! this song LITERALLY makes me want to hug every person I see throughout the day. They have serious songs, sarcastic songs, and well huh songs, like Fuck White People. They've covered David Bowie, Neutral Milk Hotel, and even did a folk rap which speaks the truth.

Here's a link to their site, where you can buy their music and download a large chunk of their discography, and here's a link to the album mentioned above.


6.15.2010 - #000006 - High on Fire

High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine

Ahh, what a delay. I'm getting over a little stomach bug so whetev' holmes. I blame Nintendo's E3 exhibit. They seriously fucking rocked me hard.... KID ICARUS! 3DS! GOLDEN SUN! ZELDA!! my balls flew out of my eyes. Speaking of which...

This album is wrought from freaking BADASS lyrics and seriously sick solos to deliver many awe-some-struck faces. I used to NOT love metal and this album, when it leaked, single handedly got me into sludge metal. They're also going to be on as Adult Swim music! So look at that, accidentally 2 days in a row!

here's a link to their official website where you can buy the album directly from them and here's a link to a quick google search


6.14.2010 - 00000001 - D e a d . W i n t e r

I'm going to use a binary number system up to 255 versus a hexadecimal to differentiate that it's a webcomic. I'll showcase some of the webcomics I read every monday.

First up is d e a d . w i n t e r, a webcomic about ZOMBIES! Well, more like people fighting zombies, but it's still SUPER AWESOME!

I preordered the first book a month back, and he's currently redrawing the first hundred or so pages. I asked for a drawing of Mr. Cuddles the Courageous Cat w/ Monday's glasses. The art does get better as it goes on, and the storyline is really good and very funny. It's your average slice of life-after-everything-goes-to-shit comic.

6.14.2010 - #000005 - Flying Lotus

Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma

I'm not too sure what it is that draws me into it, but I love IDM. And whats better than some Adult Swim Music?? FlyLo is related to John and Alice Coltrane.... if you don't know them, then... seriously? Go listen to their works, asap.. Anyways, on this album, Thom Yorke from Radiohead sings and two other guest vocalists, Stephen Bruner, and Laura Darlington. The easest song to get into is also my favorite; the one featuring Thom.

Here's a link to his official site, where you can buy the album, and here's a link to a quick google search.

this video is an LSD trip... Enjoy!


6.11.2010 - #000004 - Alcoholic Faith Mission

Alcoholic Faith Mission - Let This Be The Last Night We Care

From Brooklyn, this album is COVERED in vocal harmonization, and it makes this sweet, sweet indie rock feel. here's a link to their website (which is under construction), and here's a link to a google search


6.10.2010 - #000003 - A Silver Mt. Zion

A Silver Mt. Zion - Kollaps Tradixionales

Godspeed you! Black Emperor is one of my all time favorite bands. Weird thing is, I love Efrim Menuck's voice. So earlier this year when this album came out I pretty much had meself an aneurysm when I found out that every track had vocals. I haven't bought it yet, but it's a damn good album. I really hope GY!BE and Mt. Zion both come around this omaha region, I will be there faster than hell.

Here's a link to where you can buy the album from Constellation records. They accept postal orders too, if you're scared of ordering online. and here's a link to a quick google search.


6.9.2010 - #000002 - RVIVR


pronouced reviver, it's this raw pop punk that just sounds great. They've got two vocalists, male and female, which is a really great contrast to the music. I'm kind of a sucker for harmonization haha.

here's an official link to the album. There you can download it or donate/buy the physical copy. i'll definitely be buying it soon. and here's their official blog.

here's a song that's not on their ep, life moves.

6.8.2010 - #000001 - Fang Island

Fang Island - Fang Island

Fang Island have their roots in math-y music, i'm pretty sure one or a few of the guitarists are in Daughters (another artist/album i'll put up in due time), and they are self described as "everyone highfiving everyone" so pick how you'd like.

here's an amazon link to the album and here's a link to a quick google search

I don't support downloading without planning on buying an album.


okay okay, new goal guys, seriously

thanks to someone, I really want to give a shot at a 2010 album a day like how I originally wanted to.

let's make a note of this in the iPod Calendar... Done!

every day after the noon, i'll have an album posted!

mash-the-keyboard here, nowhere else.
Copyright © Mash-The-Keyboard